About My Mailer Biz

My Mailer Biz is designed for the small home-based marketer who works primarily offline – giving them an online business component.

We offer your own Publisher Page on which you can list any home-based business offers. I have kept the initial publisher costs low by offering related tools, such as mailing lists, around the website. I earn a small commission if you chose to purchase one of these offers by clicking on the link on my website.

I work everyday to increase the overall presence of My Mailer Biz online, increasing the opportunity that others will view your programs and offers. The tools I use include:

  • Online Ads
  • Offline Advertising
  • Search Engine Optimization (so sites like Google can find the website)

Everything in One Place

I also want to provide all the information you need to succeed in one place. This is especially important when you are just starting out.

I have:

all on this website for you. If you are looking for something related to home-based marketing and don’t see it, please let me know.

About Marsha Pearson

Marsha PearsonI have always had a fascination with all-things-digital and for the marketing arena. As soon as computers were introduced to the consumer market, I was an early adapter and I’ve never looked back.

After spending over 30 years as an entrepreneur in various businesses, including owning a retail store during tough economic downturns, I wanted to combine my best talents to do something unique and different.

So, for the past fifteen years or so, I have focused on helping small businesses with their online marketing efforts.

But lately I decided to pivot once again when I realized the tremendous need for an online presence for those working in the home-based offline business world. And, with many of my friends working in this marketing arena, I wanted to do this for them.

My Mailer Biz was born.

Full Disclosure

I do not participate in offline offers and programs so as not to compete with my publishers.

However, as mentioned above, in order to keep the publishing cost down, I have a few other links to other websites that pay me a commission, also known as an affiliate fee, if you purchase using my link.

I know that you have a world of other places from which to order needed resources. However, I am eternally grateful if you would use links on my site for: